A day hike from Sofia to Cherni Vrah and a cup of tea

1 minutes read

If you are in Sofia, you should make one of the most popular day trips from the city – the hike to Cherni Vrah, the highest peak of the nearby Vitosha mountains. Raising to 2290m it is a great destination for day trips from Sofia, especially in the warm seasons.

Обсерваторията на Черни Връх

Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

Черни връх

In 1935 a weather station was built on Cherni Vrah. In the old stone building there is a well-supplied tea place where you can have a cup of hot mountain tea and eat a hot meal or just find shelter in the bad weather (no tourist accommodation though).
Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

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Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх
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Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх


Метерологичната станция на Черни Връх

На път

It was years ago when I last visited the small tea room, always full with smiling people. But there are days when you want to do something in particular. This day was just like this and I had the insane desire to go to the summit.





We reached by car Aleko hut and it was the starting point of our journey. The previous day it had been snowing so the temperature was close to freezing, although it was September. The path to the weather station is easy and it is one of the favourite places for walks for people from Sofia.

Към Черни връх

Don’t forget to take warm clothes for the walk. The peak is one of the most windy peaks in Bulgaria.

Изглед към София




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