SanktAndrae -Szentendre, Hungary

2 minutes read

In this post we will eat Lángos and we will drink Lemonade, sitting on the pavement to listen live music.

The name

I’m very excited to present you a town named after me! Szentendre it is a small town pretty close to Budapest.  If you still don’t see the connection with my name, maybe the Serbian name will help you – Sentandreja, which is quite St. Andrew or Sankt Andrae – mediaeval Latin. The Serbian name is important because the abandoned town close to the Buda fortress was settled by Serbian immigrants in the time of Great Serb Migrations. Well obviously I’m not a saint so the town was not named after me, but I like hearing my name in any occasions. :)

Сеоба Срба
Паја Јовановић – Сеоба Срба

On the main square of Szentendre is the church with the same very beautiful name St. Andrew. And the streets around the square attract the tourists with their mediaeval quietness. In Szentendre you can see a lot of orthodox churches because of the Serbian influence.


However, we have to start our trip from the beginning, from Budapest. In the evening we decided to go to this beautiful and quiet town and we went to Batthyány tér looking for transport to Szentendre. This place is also a busy train station and we could take the train to Szentendre, but it appeared that you can go by boat, too. And the tickets were half-priced so we wouldn’t miss the chance to sail on the Danube river. We grasped our tickets and we went home ready for the next morning voyage.



The sailing

In the morning we got on the boat, sat on the table and started our voyage. It wasn’t as exciting as a transoceanic one, with adventures like sharks, storms and pirates. But it was nice and beautiful and 1.30 hours later the churches and beautiful houses of Szentendre showed up in front of us.

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That’s difficult to translate from my mother language – Bulgarian, because we have this dish Mekitsa which is pretty similar to Hungarian Lángos, If you ever come to Bulgaria you should try Mekitsa.

However we can continue with the story about the town. The first thing to do there was going to the  street with eating places, looking for the famous Lángos, a kind of dish that contains dough made of water or milk and flour, with a dash of sugar and salt and fried in oil. Then we were ready for adventures in the small town, sightseeing and enjoying the local cafes.



The town

Szentendre is one of the places that shouldn’t be told stories about because you don’t want to see it crowded with tourists. It should better stay quiet. The Medieval streets and houses in the town look like they are untouched by time and managed to stay aside of the industrial revolution.



 We found a cute small café with a nice waitress. We enjoyed the sound of jazz, some local youths around us were having fun, and the place was somehow out of the tourist line. We ordered big Lemonade and they brought us a jug full of lemons and refreshing drink. It was a great moment – we had plenty of time until our boat leaved so we were not in a hurry at all.


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