What wine do Maltese people like? – This is what we asked Matthew Delicata, one of the owners of the oldest wine cellar in Malta – Delicata. It is also …
- Bulgaria
Expedition through the Kazanlak valley – the Thracian tombs Helvetia, Griffins and Shushmanets
8 minutes readIt was the morning of a smiling spring day. Outdoors the sun was making world shinier and warmer and we almost forgot about the past winter. Spring always calls for …
- BulgariaHome away from homeTips and hacks
Outdoor hot mineral pools in Bulgaria – where to go in the winter?
17 minutes readHere is a list of spa resorts in Bulgaria with hot mineral pools for the winter season When the weather gets cold, my family and I immediately start thinking about …
- EventsPostsWine eventsWine Tourism
LOVE WINES? – It’s time for WINEBOX Portfolio Tasting 2018!
3 minutes readLOVE WINES? It’s coming – one of the top wine events in Sofia, Bulgaria It does not need another headline. If you have answered Yes to the first question, you …
A walk back in time to the authentic Bulgarian villages I magine that it is late 19th century and you are walking around Bulgaria. Imagine that the air smells of …