The bridges above Yablanitsa River, Bulgaria

3 minutes read

We are here again…

There are places where the human intervention in nature does not look ugly but rather exotic and welcoming. And we were to one of these places again.

Three years ago I had visited the Tran Eco path and the gorge of Yablanitsa river. Then my wife wrote a wonderful story about that walk. Today I want to remind you of that day and show you some new great photos.

Andrey Andreev

Yablanitsa river is very interesting, not big neither deep. There are a lot of stones in its riverbed that make it easy for crossing. Between the stones there are a lot of rapids and small waterfalls. We also found a small cave on the top of the rocks with a marvelous view to the slopes on the other side.

The view from the cave near Yablanitsa River

The view from the cave near Yablanitsa River

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I have to warn you that if you are afraid of heights or unstable-looking constructions, this is not your place to go for a walk. The first bridge is maybe 20 m above the river, maybe more, but it looks quite high. The bridge itself is made of wood and looks quite unstable. Though it proved to be perfectly stable.

The first beautiful bridge

The first beautiful bridge

The view from the bridge

The first beautiful bridge

It was not swinging at all, it is wide and strong enough so you have no problem to pass it. You might have a problem if 4 people decide to jump on it simultaneously but in other cases it is perfectly fine. After we reached that bridge, maybe 30-40 minutes after the beginning of the Eco path, we thought this was the end. But actually this is only the beginning of the beautiful Yablanitsa gorge.

Yablanitsa gorge path

The path is not the easiest

Yablanitsa gorge



The river

The river, the view is amazing, isn’t it?

The small stairs go up and down the rocks and sometimes turn into a small sandy path leading to the next bridge. We cross the river again and on the opposite side a new array of stairs and wooden platforms are greeting us. At first side they look like they are standing in the air but they are perfectly stable if you don’t try simultaneous jumping on them. Somewhere between the bridges there is a small pool with a waterfall. Behind the waterfall the riverbed is carved with bizarre forms that cannot be described, they must be seen.

The bridges

The bridges

A bridge

Yablanitsa River

The river and the rocks

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

I recommend you – click on the pictures for better resolution.

I did not remember all the bridges nor their number. The wooden stairs must have been hundreds. But everything was so beautiful and calm.

Maria Andreeva

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River and some stones :)

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

Yablanitsa River and the gorge

A small waterfall

A small waterfall

This beautiful place is still so calm, we met just a few people and quite fewer made it to the most beautiful part. Most of them were afraid of the slippery stones and the steep sections. But I assure you that it is worth the whole walk, just beware of the nettle.

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1 comment

Marek 2019/05/01 - 2:51 PM

Jak tam dojechać ? Gdzie nocleg ?


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